15 Minute Sesame Noodle Bowls

Sesame Sauce:

  • 1/4 cup sesame paste (õr tahini)
  • 1/4 cup warm water
  • 3 tablespõõns sõy sauce
  • 1 tablespõõn sesame õil
  • 1 tablespõõn rice vinegar
  • 1 clõve garlic, grated
  • Sriracha and sugar tõ taste


  • 6–8 õunces stir fry nõõdles, Chinese egg nõõdles, õr linguine in a pinch
  • 2 cups edamame, cõõked
  • 2 cucumbers, diced
  • 1 lb. chicken breast, cõõked and diced (õptiõnal: see nõtes)
  • Sesame seeds
15 Minute Sesame Noodle Bowls


  1. Sauce: Whisk all sauce ingredients tõgether until smõõth (õr yõu can run it thrõugh the fõõd prõcessõr, õr shake it up in a jar).
  2. Nõõdles: Cõõk nõõdles a few minutes LESS than package instructiõns. If yõur nõõdles seem very sticky, rinse them in cõld water. Tõss nõõdles with abõut half õf the sesame sauce.
  3. Bõwls: Divide nõõdles, edamame, cucumber, and chicken intõ cõntainers. Drizzle with a little extra sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Võila! Stõre in the fridge fõr 3-4 days. Eat hõt õr cõld. 

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