Keroppi Matcha Steamed Bun aka Green Tea Tau Sar Pao 抹茶豆沙包

Keroppi Matcha Steamed Bun aka Green Tea Tau Sar Pao, aren't they cute? 

I have been wanting to make this since last year when my boy told me he loves Keroppi. I don't like to use artificial colouring in my boy's food so green tea powder is my first choice, it's easy to blend into the dough without the need of extracting juice from green plants such as spinach or pandan leaves. Just mix some green tea powder into the dough and it looks perfectly green and it will not affect the taste of the steamed bun. I have got some red bean paste at home, just nice for the green tea steamed bun fillings, they're the perfect match! 

In the past, when I need to make small amount of steamed bun, I'd have to knead the dough with hands because it's pretty hard to knead small portion of dough using my KA stand mixer. Now that I have my Song Cho bread maker, I can let it do the kneading. I'm impressed with the small but really powerful mixing blade in this bread maker. It really saved my energy and time. This is the bread maker that I would highly recommend to my readers. :)

Ingredients: Yield 7 Keroppi buns

85g Cold Milk 冷牛奶 85克

20g Sugar 细砂糖 20克

1 tsp Oil 油 1小匙

150g Plain Flour 中筋面粉 150克

1/2 tsp Instant Dry Yeast 即溶酵母 1/2小匙

3/4 tsp Green Tea Powder 抹茶/绿茶粉 3/4 小匙

80g-100g Red Bean Paste 红豆沙 80-100克

Optional: Skip this if you're using food grade marker to draw the details.

Red Rice Powder and Charcoal Powder 红菊粉和黑炭粉,适量

1-2 tbsp Fresh Milk, if needed 牛奶,适量

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Method: 步骤

1. Take out bread barrel from Song Cho Bread Maker. Install the stirring rod. Add Milk > Castor Sugar > Oil > Flour > Yeast into bread barrel. 

2. Return bread barrel into Song Cho bread maker, press bread barrel down, turn it by clockwise and make sure it is installed firmly. Press < MENU >, select <#15 FAST KNEAD DOUGH > , press < START >.
安装好后按键《MENU》,选择 《#15 FAST KNEAD DOUGH 》,按 《START》。

3. When the dough is ready, transfer the dough onto table top. Portion out 4 small parts of dough for green, red, black and plain dough. 

Optional: Skip step 5 and 6 if you're using food grade marker to draw the details. 
Tips: While working on each colour dough, keep the remaining dough in the refrigerator. 

4. Prepare plain dough: Divide plain dough into 14 portions, each small dough weight about 10g. Roll into small round balls. Cover with cling wrap and store in the refrigerator. 

5. Prepare red colour dough: knead in some red rice powder and milk. Cover with cling wrap and store in the refrigerator. 

6. Prepare black colour dough: knead in some charcoal powder and milk. Cover with cling wrap and store in the refrigerator. 

7. Prepare green tea dough: Add 1/2 tsp milk into green tea powder, mix well to form green tea paste. Knead green tea paste into the remaining dough. If the dough is too dry, add some milk while kneading. Divide dough into 7 portions, roll the small dough into balls. Cover with cling wrap, store in the refrigerator.

8. Prepare red bean paste filling: Divide the paste into 7 portions, roll into balls.

9. Remove green dough from the refrigerator, wrap with red bean fillings. Repeat for all seven buns.

10. Remove plain dough from the refrigerator, gently roll the dough. Brush some milk on top of the green tea bun, add 2 white balls on the green tea buns to make Keroppi eyes. Repeat for all seven buns.
取出原味面团,轻轻搓圆。绿茶包子上涂少许牛奶,然后把2粒原味面团放在上面当眼睛。重复至完成7个Keroppi 包子。

Optional: Skip step 11 and 12 if you're using food grade marker to draw the details. 

11. Remove red dough from the refrigerator, gently roll the dough. Portion out some tiny balls, brush some milk on the green tea bun (below the white dough) and stick two red balls on the "Keroppi cheek". Repeat for all seven buns.
取出红色面团,轻轻搓圆。取出两小份面团搓圆,在Keroppi 眼睛下方涂少许牛奶,然后把红色面团粘上去。重复至完成7个Keroppi 包子。

12. Remove black dough from the refrigerator, gently roll the dough. Add facial details using the same method above. Repeat for all seven buns.
取出黑色面团,轻轻搓圆。取出小份面团以同样的方式做脸部细节。重复至完成7个Keroppi 包子。

13. Let it proof for about 50 minutes or doubled in size. Steam on high heat for 15 minutes. When it's done, turn off heat. Let it sit in the steamer for 5 minutes before removing from the steamer. 

Optional: When the steamed buns are completely cooled, use edible marker to draw the facial details.

做好造型后发酵50分钟或双倍大。放进蒸炉大火蒸15分钟。 蒸好后熄火,待5分钟才把包子拿出。待凉后即可享用。若喜欢我的食谱,可以LIKE和追随我的面书专页,不要错过最新食谱发布。

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~ Special thanks to Song Cho Singapore ~ 

By readers, some feedback from those who have tried this recipe:

By Melanie Ruyeras

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