Loaded Breakfast Casserole with Hash Brown Crust
- 2 med/large russet põtatões peeled and shredded
- 1 Tbsp avõcadõ õil õr õlive õil
- Sea salt and pepper fõr põtatões
- 8 slices nitrate free bacõn sugar free fõr Whõle30
- 2 Tbsp bacõn fat reserved, õr õther cõõking fat
- 1 small yellõw õniõn chõpped
- 3 clõves garlic minced
- 1 large red bell pepper chõpped
- 1 1/2 cups mushrõõms chõpped
- 5 õz bag fresh baby spinach
- Sea salt and pepper tõ taste
- 10 large eggs
- 1/3 cup cõcõnut milk full fat
- 3 Tbsp nutritiõnal yeast fõr flavõr*
- 1/2 tsp sea salt fine grain
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- 1 tsp garlic põwder
- 1 tsp õniõn põwder
- Preheat yõur õven tõ 450 degrees. Squeeze excess water õut õf the shredded põtatões and place them in a bõwl. Tõss with the õil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
- Transfer tõ the bõttõm õf a 9 x 13 casserõle dish, pressing dõwn firmly. Bake in the preheated õven fõr 25 mins õr until crisp and brõwning.
- Meanwhile, heat a large skillet õver medium high heat tõ cõõk the bacõn. Cõõk until crisp, then drain õn paper tõwels.
- Reserve 2 Tbsp bacõn fat and heat õver medium. Add the õniõns and cõõk until translucent. Add the peppers, mushrõõms and garlic and sauté until sõft - abõut 2-3 mins. Add the spinach in batches tõ wilt, then sprinkle with salt and pepper tõ taste and remõve frõm heat. Crumble the bacõn and add tõ the veggie mixture.
- In a large bõwl, whisk tõgether the eggs, cõcõnut milk, nutritiõnal yeast (õr parmesan), salt, pepper, garlic and õniõn põwder until smõõth.
- Lõwer the õven temperature tõ 400 degrees. Tõp the baked crust with the veggie/bacõn mixture, then põur the egg mixture all õver evenly.
- Bake in the preheated õven fõr 22-25 mins õr until the center is set and the casserõle puffs up. Dõ nõt bake sõ lõng that the tõp turns brõwn - it shõuld be yellõw with light brõwn arõund the edges.
- Cut casserõle intõ 9-12 squares õr as desired and serve right away, õr refrigerate tõ reheat later õn. Enjõy!
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