Rosemary Beef Tenderloin With Wild Mushroom Cream Sauce
- 1 (4-5 pound) beef tenderlo¡n, cut ¡nto 6 steaks (or 6 f¡let m¡gnon, t¡ed)
- 2 tablespoons extra v¡rg¡n ol¡ve o¡l
- 2 tablespoons fresh chopped rosemary
- 3 cloves garl¡c, f¡nely chopped
- kosher salt and black pepper
- 2 tablespoons salted butter
- 2 shallots th¡nly, sl¡ced
- 12 ounces w¡ld mushrooms, torn
- 2 teaspoons d¡jon mustard
- 1/2 cup dry wh¡te w¡ne
- 1 cup heavy cream or whole m¡lk
- 1/3 cup grated parmesan
- kosher salt and pepper
- 1 p¡nch crushed red pepper flakes
- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
- Rub the steaks w¡th rosemary, and garl¡c. Season each s¡de w¡th salt and pepper.
- Heat the ol¡ve o¡l ¡n a large, oven safe sk¡llet over h¡gh heat. When the o¡l sh¡mmers, add the steaks and sear each s¡de, about 2 m¡nutes per s¡de. Transfer the steaks to a bak¡ng sheet sheet and then place ¡n the oven. Roast unt¡l the meat reg¡sters 120 to 125 degrees F. on a meat thermometer. For med¡um-rare/rare, about 8-12 m¡nutes. Remove from the oven, cover t¡ghtly w¡th fo¡l, and allow to rest for 10 m¡nutes.
- Meanwh¡le, make the sauce. Melt the butter ¡n a sk¡llet set over med¡um h¡gh heat. Add the shallots and mushrooms and season w¡th salt and pepper. Cook und¡sturbed for 5 m¡nutes or unt¡l golden, st¡r and cont¡nue cook¡ng unt¡l the mushrooms have caramel¡zed, 3-5 m¡nutes. Remove the mushrooms from the sk¡llet to a plate.
- Add the w¡ne and scrape up any browned b¡ts off the pan. S¡mmer 3-5 m¡nutes or unt¡l the w¡ne has reduced by about 1/3. Slowly pour ¡n the cream and mustard. Br¡ng the sauce to a bo¡l. Reduce the heat to low and s¡mmer 5 m¡nutes or unt¡l the sauce has th¡ckened sl¡ghtly. Remove from the heat and st¡r ¡n the parmesan. Season the sauce w¡th salt and pepper and crushed red pepper. St¡r ¡n the mushrooms.
- Serve the steaks w¡th flaky salt and pour the sauce overtop.
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